Distribution of community density in West Java province : Blog2

What is the total population density in west Java province?

What is the total population density of the western java province   year-on-year? According to valuable data, the population of West Java is still the largest in Indonesia. According to the last 2020 census, it shows a significant increase of up to 6 million inhabitants. More precisely its development from 43.05 million inhabitants to 49.94 million inhabitants.

West Java isone of the provinces that existed during the Dutch colonial period. The province has been established with a central government since 1950. It is well established and has become a city full of extraordinary events. One of them was the sea of fire that made the archipelago and even the world at that turbulent time.

It has  a very Lua area  up to  35 thousand kilometers. The area is able to accommodate many people. Led by Ridvan Kamil, it is believed bandung will be more prosperous. Thus, the growth of society will be balanced with an equal distribution of well-being. Creating many new policies for the benefit of the people is the right solution.

So , what is the overall population density in west Java province. She won’t be as impatient as she is at the centre of the government. DKI Jakarta is one of the areas with the highest community density. This is because the population grows with its narrow surface area.

Distribution of community density in West Java province

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  24. federalmobilcommunity.com
  25. kamarcewek.com


At 36,000 square km. Data from the province of West Java is inhabited by a population of up to 46 million. It spread to 26 districts and cities, 635 sub-districts and 5899 sub-districts. The most populous population lies in Bogor and Banjar districts in reverse.


How much is the distribution of people in the bogor city of West Java? About 4.9 million people. Meanwhile, only 192,903 people live in the city of Banjar. Only 0.25 per cent of it. What about the other cities? Like old, warehouse, sukabumi, ung band, and others?


For the average population density  of nearly a million people. Only the banjar, cirebon, sukabumi and cimah are hundreds of thousands. Of course, seeing this change, density distribution is not evenly distributed. Uniquely, almost the entire region in the region has more men. Incontinence in Indonesia so far.

The number of males and women is usually higher in women. We see the central and eastern regions of Java. Both are definitely more women seen from many countries. Even in Indonesia, the number of women is greater than in men. So what are the factors that can make it happen?


No one knows until now. About what is the population density in west Java province why there may be more males. Everything happens naturewithout agreement at all. So it can be seen why there are many cases of same-sex parties in the bogor area who have been affected by the same inequality.


For those who don’t know, Bogor is truly a gay inner city. A disease  of same-sex people. They often  party in hotels and even rental houses. It is a disease that must be rooted out so that it does not spread more widely in Indonesian society.


Population posts in West Java

What is the population density in West Java province for?  Many young people have already found a job and not. Work is an important thing to have in order to be able tolive life. Especially in major cities in West Java that insist on independence. One of the causes is the large number of nomads.

For the average percentage of the general population  at the end of 2020. Nearly 11 percent of the population. A number that is not confused causes many people to be less prosperous. Along with the long pandemic period. Make many large factories go out of business or simplify spending.

One is firing a lot of potential employees. So there’s  a lot of unemployment everywhere. For the distribution of the city Bogor 14%, Sukabumi 9& Cianjur 11%, Bandung 8.5%, Garut 8.9%, Tasikmalaya 7%, Ciamis 5.6%, Kuningan 11%, Majalengka 5%, Sumedang 8.8%, Indrayu 9.2%, and so on.

It will all be if the  total is equal to 10%. So it’s a big distribution. Along with the age of the young workforce who graduated from school. If a  pandemic period continues, it can continue to grow. The large number of businesses that regulate their work is one of the main causes.

Not surprisingly, this large number of unemployed people who make many nomads go outside the area. The universe is the main destination for many nomads from West Java. The city is really the most comfortable city. The cost of living is free with a suitable place. Who doesn’t feel at home living there.

So , what is the total population density in The West Java province after its numerous foreign population processes? Just waiting for the next population census. It will all be clear about the multipliation of this populist movement. According to the facts, many of the inhabitants moved their dwelling to make it more convenient.

Population welfare policy in West Java province

For policies implemented to improve the well-being of West Java are, of course, the adoption of Little Bandung. Being able to make many MSMEs develop faster in asian market competition. It is clear that these developments will be implemented to facilitate many unemployed. The hunger system will also intensify so that many creative companies are full of ideas.

So it’s not just about being able to absorb a lot of work. But politics also encourages the presence of critical thinkers. It is hoped that there will be no more questions about what the total population density is in west Java province. Large companies such as Gojek, Grab and so on will emerge with the MSME starup system.

Just to get the knot. More attention should be paid to schools to bring the seeds of intelligent thinkers. If  the school really isn’t active yet. At least provide assistance programs for talented students. By giving scholarships for study or schooling, it is hoped that he will be better able to grow rapidly.

For this reason, the regional spending budget is always considered. Paying attention to what is the overall population density in The West Java province. It is hoped that each of these policies will be able to postpone the programme a year later. This semaca program is really quite useless today. However, a few years later, it could certainly be more useful.

Predicting increased population density

Continue to predict the increase in population density distribution. What is the total population density in west Java province in the following years ? According to existing data and facts. His growth will increase the dra. Many holidays and wfh cause many people to have a deeper family intensity.

So, according to which there will be development up to millions of new residents in just a few years. Not just by birth and death. There may be a population movement affecting the population. All this is a natural and defined fact. So, according to the science of prophecy, of course, growth must be rapid.

However, the province will still be ready to deal with everything. Think about how good it is for the population to work. Of course, Ridwan Kamil and his descendants always think of him.   Other major cities will continue to be synergized to form a strong territory of Indonesia.

How are you not curious about how many people have been scattered in West Java? It’s still quite quiet, but it can grow soon later. But thanks to  Ridvan Cam’s simple politics. Regardless of how dense the population is in the West Java province, it will still be safe for its inhabitants.